May 01, 2008

Blogiversary - Year 2

Yay...blogiversary month for me. So, here's the contest...leave a comment below on what makes a good blog. I like blogs because I like looking at pictures. Let's say that you can leave your comment until May 10th. On May 11th I'll stick all names in a hat and pick one, as I am unfamiliar with the random number generator god. The prize, cause that's fun too, is this. Two skeins of that actually. I don't have my own pretty picture however, because it hasn't arrived in the mail yet.

Here's a question for anyone, I hope someone can help me with this. Socks That Rock...lightweight or mediumweight? I ordered 4 skeins of mediumweight, then I read posts about how people weren't really crazy for it because it was very thick. What are your thoughts? I already have a list of other colorways I would like to acquire at some point.

I'm excited for tomorrow's yarn tasting. 1) because it's yarn, I like is a problem, 2) I realized that Noro Silk Garden comes in 269 a way lighter color than what I got 267. The reason I am unhappy with 267 and 211 is that when I knitted it together it seemed to have gotten a yellow color from 267 and a sort of dark honey color in 211 to stripe very close to each other. I thought about frogging this. I hate it when that happens. My Kureyon scarf did that twice. I lived with it. I lived this too in the Silk Garden Scarf, but poo, I hate it when that happens. So, long story long, I want to see if they have any 269 available.


Anonymous said...

Woo hoo! Happy Blogiversary!

What makes a good blog? Pictures are always good, but more than anything I think a good sense of humor is vital. If I go to someone's blog and laugh my ass off, I'll probably go back. Of course we can't all be funny all the time, but a giggle is certainly appreciated.

Anonymous said...

what makes a great blog......
~fun and entertaining (even silly sometimes)
~pictures of progress and projects

.....I guess that is all I am looking for in a "good" blog :)


Anonymous said...

You are going to the yarn tasting at Knitted Peace tomorrow night? I want to go but can't find anyone to go with! May I meet you there? :)


Anonymous said...

oops.........forgot to comment on the STR med vs. light weight. The medium weight is heaver, I knit my lucy socks with it. I prefer the light weight. I can bring both so you can compare the next time I see you (maybe Friday?) :)

~Nachaele (again)

ikkinlala said...

Happy blogiversary!

I don't know what makes a good blog. I read so many different ones. Pictures definitely help (which is one of the main reasons I don't have my own blog; I don't have a camera), but I have seen a few blogs that are well done entirely with text. Writing about things I'm interested in helps a lot too, but I've enjoyed a few blogs that are written by people I have nothing in common with. The only thing I won't forgive is blogs that are difficult to read, whether it's because they have no punctuation or because they're written in, for example, yellow text on a white page. But there are also beautifully-written blogs which I, for some reason, am not interested in.

I hope you have fun at the yarn tasting!

Chris said...

Happy blogiversary! (Imbrium sent me over.) I like to look at pictures. A bit of humor is good, too. Doesn't have to be strictly knitting - I think blogs are more interesting when they cover more of a person's life than just knitting.

STR - lightweight! I like socks I can wear in my shoes.

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogiversary! I like pictures too :) I skim like a fiend.

Paper Tiger said...

Humor, pictures, a little personality but not so personal I can't relate.

I've only worked with medium and I like it, but I wear clogs that can fit a bigger sock.

Anonymous said...

Happy blogiversary! Imbrium sent me over.

What makes a good blog--in my opinion--is a sense that the writer is real. To me, it doesn't matter the extent to which the writer shares personal details, rather how genuine he/she is about what is shared.

Pictures are nice, too.

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogiversary!

What makes a good blog? Hrmmmm. I always like a yummy photo, and I like to hear the stories behind projects. If something worked, or didn't, I love to know why - just so I don't repeat the same mistake (or so I can go find that beautiful pattern!)

Debbie aka Cheesegirl said...

Yay! Happy Blogiversary!

A good blog is a mix of pictures, a willingness to share the mundane, silly and sad. I don't ask for's nice to see that others face the same issues too. :)

Karen said...

Happy Blogiversary!!

In my opinion (which doesn't have much weight because I don't blog myself, but only read a bazillion each day)a great blog has good pictures. And by good pictures, I don't necessarily mean clear, professional quality pictures. Those are nice, but the fuzzy ones make for good blog fodder it seems so those are fun too. A great blog also has a witty writer because really, while I love knitting, reading about knitting as often as I do would not be as fun if it weren't for the dry wit of some bloggers, the sunny dispositions of others, the cynicism of others still, and you get the picture. Yeah, I love the pictures, but a good writer makes a good blog.

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogiversary! I'm here from imbium too, who I found via the comments at Crazy Aunt Purl...

It's funny, pictures aren't that crucial to my enjoyment of a blog (unless I'm trying to figure out a new stitch or something, then they're VERY helpful!). I think, as some others have said, a sense of humor. A mix of funny and thoughtful posts - not stand-up-comic, but not emo-angst-ridden either. A feeling that I'm getting to know the blogger as a real human.