June 14, 2006

Kind of lame I am

So, I was invited to go out with my co-workers after work, 1) to watch them play softball (they even asked me to play...haha...), 2) to drink beer 3) to join them at BW3's after the game. I thought about it briefly...and my supervisor asked me if I was going to join...and after thinking some more...I thought that I'd rather go home this time and knit something.

Well, thus far I have accomplished checking email, checking blogs, checking myspace and livejournal...eating dinner and yea...that's it. I really ought to go out more. You know, meet new people, that is a good thing. sigh

I bought a new purse yesterday. My other one...the man-made strap of whatever, was cracking and peeling off.

My choice was this...

...it was between the backpack type and this...and my biggest thought while deciding on what purse would be perfect?

Will it hold a ball of yarn?

I am looking forward to going to the fiber thingy in Estes this weekend. I am sure it will be fun. Although, things may turn out a little weird if the kids' dad doesn't get them this weekend. He's forgotten that this weekend is his weekend.


Anonymous said...

Ook...lemme know if I need to smack him. You know I'll do it.

Only two more days!

Anonymous said...

Looks like it would fit a ball of yarn to me...thin yarn, maybe...I always put my yarn for projects in a plastic zipper storage bag before sticking it in my purse. That way, it doesn't get gross no matter how many other things are crammed in there.

I would have gone to the softball thing and knitted. :) Knitting in bars is cool so long as it isn't too smoky or you don't mind the smoke.
- Auntie M