May 25, 2006


So my knitting is suffering. I tend to go on these spurts of where there is not enough yarn or fiber to knit, crochet or spin, and then I stop for months. But this time I'm realizing that I've stopped because, 1) I work a lot, 2) my kids keep me busy, 3) I've been blogging a lot.

After all that picture shows hardly any progress in my work. It shows a few more rows which is a result of me forgetting to take the pattern to work. I did remember the knitting this time.

Last night I did accomplish this though...which is 60 pick up and knit stitches for the border on the cardigan. I forgot how much a PIA I think circular needles can me. Go figure. But it's going close to being done. I'm not convinced that the size of the cable is long enough either...40"...although the Addi Turbo package said that that size should be sufficient. I suppose we shall see.

As a side note...I have some concern that my blog will be rather boring...just with the knitting. I don't have pets, besides the kids *snicker*, and I'm not married, nor do I have significant other. I work, take care of kids, and knit...sprinkled in with some reading here and there. I'm not dating anyone right now, my job is a bit boring,...blah, blah, blah, me, me, me...complaining. :)

Gotta go knit else will I ever pick up and knit those 200+ stitches? They won't knit themselves...but it would be so nice if they did...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought that you were dating someone. Ya know, that guy who was too sensitive or something like that. Oh well, there is no shortage of beautiful men throwing themselves in your general direction. That, and combined with you only having the kids every other week should lead to great blogging every other week! Come on! Inquiring minds want to know!!!

Your peanut gallery