May 22, 2006


So I don't think I will have any progress on my cardigan to report today. Today I took the children to a yarn store. My oldest has always been perfect at craft stores. My youngest, doesn't get it. My oldest at the same age as the youngest would just peer,never touch, and would stay close to me. My youngest ran in circles around the isle.

I blame this on the fact that I was a stay at home parent when my oldest was that age, and I am not while my youngest is this age.

This brings me to my vent, the lovely worker at the yarn store, old enough to be my grandmother, kindly tells me how they appreciate that the children do not run in the store because of the hooks they have the yarn hanging on.


Did I really look like I was chasing my child on purpose? This also brings me to my other issue. I have yet to be at a yarn store in this state that I like. They have...
  • Ignored my question
  • Ignored me completely
  • Could not be found when I wanted to actually pay
  • Started helping another customer in the middle of my question
  • Have been prissy
  • Have been unhelpful
  • Been rude

So this yarn store I think has entered the top of my list of bad stores to go to. I am not stupid. I was not just letting the child run rampant. I was with him trying to catch him. I know I would have been irratated if I were the store worker as well. But I think you know the difference between parents' who don't care and those who are trying.

Needless to say, they did not have the pattern I wanted. Unfortunately they do carry my favorite brand of sock needles. I am hoping another one of my unfavorite yarn stores will carry them...or maybe I'll just resort to shopping online.

So I went to the next least favorite yarn store...and they were much nicer. But the worker was a newer one, which would explain her friendly manner. I tolerate this store, because they actually have a little place set up with toys for children. My oldest enjoyed it very much. The youngest napped.

So, they didn't have the pattern either. But I did find this on sale.

Even though it's olive green, it's just screaming to be something felted. So, I bought a book on felting. Should be interesting...when I get to it. That and lace, but that is another blog.


Mouse said...

Came over from Imbriums blog to say hello! I have the same problem with my LYS.. if there were any place closer I wouldn't shop there at all.

jenifleur said...

Ooo! I'm the first one to say Hello? Welcome? I'm dropping by to say thanks for being Im's inspiration. We're glad to have her amongst us and now I think I speak for us all when I say you are no doubt welcome here as well!

Anonymous said... problem with the LYSes in my area is that very very few of them are open after work (most close at 5pm all but one day a week) and have very short hours on saturday and (like we need another and) some aren't even open on sunday. Poopyheads. So, I shop online. :)
- Auntie M

sarahkate said...

What yarn is that, on the bottom? The lighter green stuff. It looks like the "grenyrn" that the yarn harlot was making her interweave sweater out of. Very pretty, happy felting. And welcome to the knitblogoverse.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the ether! Imbrium sent me, and I have to thank you for getting her to knit, because I might not have found her otherwise. She's leveling up to play with me on World of Warcraft so that I have someone to play with who doesn't care that I am a newbie idiot who dies needlessly. AND she can knit at the same time...Priceless :-)

Your LYS sounds just like the one down the street from me. The resentment I experience when I go to pay...sometimes I feel like asking them if they would prefer that I steal. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Welcome to knitblog land!