March 31, 2008

I'd just like to say...

I hate my oven.

I used to have this wonderful oven in the first place that I owned with my X. It cooked everythig correctly. Since we moved from there I have had little luck.

This oven has no window, no self clean, and it's set too high.

Note the picture to your left. Those are cookies. They look like pancakes. They would be slightly overcooked for pancakes. I think I may stick to the toaster oven. At least I know that works.

Well, they taste okay. Now if I just had milk. (shh...the kids didn't notice either)

On the up side, I received my order from Dreamweaver Yarns.

Oh happy day. I really like these Namaste bags. I have one with a scarf project, one with a sock project, and one with a blanket project.

I'm still not thrilled with the part of this bag where the yarn goes because the fabric used is very stiff and difficult to close. However, the color is wonderful and apparently I'm a sucker. :)

Too bad the picture quality on the second bag is not my best work. Doh.

This bag is pretty cool though. It has 3 sections inside, and little pockets for stuff. And the color is great too.

It's bigger than I expected from the pictures. This bag is actually the same color as the bag above. Hard to tell, gotta love autofocus and being in a hurry.

This past Saturday, Imbrium got married. In efforts to have well behaved children at the wedding I drove my kids all over the place to try and get them to fall asleep in the car. This effort was in vain. They did however rest and take a small nap directly before and on the way to the wedding.

On my effort to have naps occur, I found myself at A Knitted Peace. I suppose if I pick an LYS this one is one of my top 5. Mostly because of Kauni and Koigu, although the Koigu I was hoping for was already sold out.

Atmosphere: 4 sheep
It's comfortable, the staff is friendly, it's in downtown Littleton close to food and benches in the summer.

Kid Friendly: 2 sheep
It does not however cater to distractions for young children. I only include this bit in my reviews because of the fact that there are LYS that have little baskets of toys/books or TVs even. However, the staff is friendly and they don't hover over you if you do happen to bring your children with you, which is why it's at a 2 and not a 1.

Product: 4 sheep
They have a wonderful selection of yarn and a variety of notions. They don't have a very large selection of bags. However, this is fine now that I have plenty of bags to choose from and do not need more unless I clone myself. This is the only place locally that carries Kauni, and they just started carrying other colors besides the EQ (rainbow). I'm thrilled. So thrilled I bought a cone as you can see above. This also is the only store I've been in thus far that carries Koigu however, my sock yarn fetish has only just begun since I think I want to attempt to make this.

Staff: 4 sheep
Very friendly. Always willing to start a conversation with you and never seem bothered if you happen to walk into a conversation. Knowledgable about their products and willing to advise on technique.

Overall: 4 sheep
Mostly because of the staff and especially for the selection of yarn. If you haven't stopped by, you definately should add this to your list.

WTF (willingness to frequent): 5 sheep
This store is great. It's close to the lightrail. They have an awesome selection of Koigu and more colors in Kauni. Their staff is friendly. I always come here.

I spent sometime last week making and measuring (approximately) how much handspun yarn I have created thus far.

Hello, OCD. I actually ended labelling them twice because the first time I didn't include yardage and I had some of the fibers named incorrectly.

Now if I could just figure out what to do with all of this yarn. I've made rough guesses on how many yards each skein holds, so that will help in the project picking.

Lastly, more yarn.

A friend of mine is crocheting a scarf out of this. Two's very thick, but fuzzy.

I however have been looking for thick chinelle for the stuffed rabbit. This I think is the yarn recommended for the project if I recall, and hey, it was on sale.

I think that attitude is going to make me go broke.

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