March 01, 2007

Just the voices in my head

The buzzing in the wall is at "medium" right now. It was at a going to go fucking insane "loud" for about 3 hours. Now it's cough tolerable going to go crazy because of the stupid noise, I hate apartments.

So this week...I've been dealing with lovely drama bullshit from the X. Gotta love X's. Our perceptions of the world are so very different. I think he's a jackass and he thinks he's a saint.

But on to better things...why dwell on crap that you can't change especially after the phone was hung up on me for the umpteenth time? This was my Valentine's day present. Flannel sheets that were the wrong size that turned into satin sheets because he thought they were soft and they reminded him of me. A lacqeured rose and a plastic piece he shaped in a heart. Actually I got the heart last night, but I lumped into Valentine's day. It was a very nice day actually. First nice Valentine's day I ever had in my whole life. It's not that the other ones were fact they were so craptastic that I think I have some emotional damage from them...that is if I were in fact to muse over them for any length of time.

On the knitting front...I hate to report my slow going. I think at this time I have truly run out of things to knit. I picked up a new lace pattern book which is wonderful, and I'm lacking the needles and the lace yarn to start any of them. And my patience has been lacking lately due to asshat. However, my progress on this little guy keeps progressing...I'm not sure into what. I'm making it up as I go. Seems to not be making ruffles on me this time...can't remember the word for it...making word, yay!
I actually thought brilliantly to myself that I should make tissue box covers. I think I'm getting desperate. Hehe...come to my house I knitted a couch cozy! Well, not yet... ;)

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