November 06, 2006

I'm here I'm here

Over here on the right...the progress on the gray scarf for my friend the Student. I think that next time I will modify the cable pattern so that there are only 3 columns instead of 4. It's turning out to be quite large.

Oh, and looky here...apparently now is the time to redo. Wow...look at patience for the scarf that's taking too damn long was right now. Even one of my male co-workers eyed it warily...the width really was ridiculous and I had botched the pattern at the bottom.

Oh, oh...and now it's a happy wound skein of non frusteration. I will start it again soon I'm sure. After all scarves are great for small projects easily transportable to the office. Blanket are not.
I would start it now...but over the weekend my food processor and I and I exchanged words...and well...after all was said and done...I lost. Thank goodness no need for stitches...I was just very very surprised and got a lesson in how to bandage wounds.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tee hee! That picture is so cute!

Oh, and don't argue with the food I'm sure you now realize. ;)