August 01, 2006



I'm tired...

Very, very tired...

Moving commenced on Saturday at 8 am sharp. Sharper than I expected everyone. Everyone is awesome! Starting out I had 8 people helping me...5 strapping young men...3 women and yours truly. By 10 am 3 more men and a truck showed up to assist further. By 12 pm everything was moved into the garage and most of the furniture was set up in it's proper place.

By 6 pm most of the kitchen was found and the boxes had been organized in enough of a manner that I could fit my car into the garage. The bathrooms were basically set up and the kids things were mostly situated.

So I wish I had pictures to share, but alas...

The good...
I'm basically moved

The bad...
It's apartment living

The ugly...
I don't have the internet

I haven't been able to check my internet for 3-4 days now...


Anonymous said...

No internet? Gah! I hope you're getting that fixed....

Congratualtions on the move, though!

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, moving Karma! Obviously, your friends knew that you had worked up the required amount of moving Karma that allowed them to all arrive on time and the move to go smoothly. :) I still have nightmares of moving one firend of mine where everything that could go wrong did go very wrong (including roaches, lack of tape, not being completely packed, boxes bottoms falling out....shudders.....)
- Auntie M (