August 08, 2006

And the boring blog continues...

Well, the good news is that I live in an area that is fairly well developed and has lots of free internet sources available in wifi format. The bad news is that I am so busy that the kids and I sat in the McDonalds parking lot while I quickly checked my email. There is internet at the clubhouse, McDonalds to my surprise, a buffalo wing restaurant, a bar, the library, a bagel shop and a bread shop. Now, I just need to find the time to go to one of these spots and sit uninterrupted for a few hours.

That of course if more difficult than normal. I'm sure I'll complain when the kids are older about how they don't want me around at all, but right now, they want me around all the finding time to write with pictures is difficult.

On the knitting front...

I have sewn up my wool is ready to felt. I must remember to take before pictures. I have two toe up socks for my daughter...I'm k1p1 them right now and going to finish them off soon. I think I might have enough for little socks for my son. Maybe...the cuff will be really short. Who knew the fortissma yarn had so much on the skein. I'm enjoying the toe up design. I'm not crazy about the short row heel though...kind of awkward to knit the way it was written IMO. However, I have had success with both socks. I did have to make a minor modification in order to eliminate the holes in the heel sides where the yarn is again joined to the cuff...if that makes any sense.

I have found an extra tupperware of yarn...through my archeology dig in my stuff...although it's not really "extra"...but I did find some yarn I was unaware I had purchased, which was exciting. Everything I own is just screaming "reorganization"...I wonder when I'll get around to that. I'm finding that there are parts of my brain which are much more obsessive compulsive than I thought it cleaning dust out of the wall/door crack, and cleaning the sink faucet with a toothbrush. I mean...maybe that is perfectly normal...but I think I tend to over kill things...I'm getting better. I have not made enough food to feed a family of 10.

On a non knitting note...

Do you ever get these weird tendencies (?) to wonder what happened to so-and-so who you grew up with or hung out with in school, but lost contact with for whatever reason? Yeah...that would be me. I've found a couple of people on myspace so far...and that I've always wondered about over the last 10 years. For me...I spent a lot of school time with this guy. I didn't spend much off school time with him because I didn't want to have to explain myself to my parents. I knew him for about 2 years or so and my parents never met him. Anywho...found him...pretty sure it's him. And now, I'm not sure what to say. Don't want to sound like a stalker...that's not it at all...I think it's because when he left school...I don't think for myself I got the closure I needed...that...and I don't deal well with change. Sounds stupid but I didn't get to give a hug goodbye? Maybe that's it. Not sure now. So much more has happened in my life. But once, I was really really curious. Now, I still am...I'm just speechless.

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