June 04, 2006

Happy soupy brain

Being yappy again...so if you want please skip to the pictures.

So, I've entered into this new phase in my life. When I started the knit, purl, and hurl group once upon a time years ago, it was because I wanted to connect with the women in my circle of friends. I had noticed for years that many of the women came and went but the men had this sort of brotherhood that the women just did not.

It worked out well to go with my new hobby with yarn. Over time, I have not hosted one of these events in years now due to my...well...life. But others have taken the task upon themselves to invite the correct mixture of chatty women to enjoy of crafts and such.

I'm glad that we're able to meet up at times. I am glad that we've grown up. wink

How life changes...sigh...when they started...I was the only married woman in the group, now I'm the only single woman in the group. No problem. Still fun. Glad we can do it.

I don't know if this is true for all craft circles, but I have noticed that some women blend well and some just don't. Period. Don't try it again, there will be fur flying.

Anywho. This story has no real point. The title however of this blog...yes...I think the bottom line...I'd really like men to make sense. I think I'll leave it at that for now.

This is my spindle full of the never ending bag of fluff. However, the mission over the weekend to teach Imbrium how to spin was accomplished. She did fantastic! I have now given many reasons to justify a purchase of a spinning wheel. haha

Next time, it will be on to crochet! She too can have toilet paper covers! giggle

In all of the years doing things with yarn now I never knew I could actually out knit/crochet myself...but after getting this much done...which now doesn't look like all that much...I never wanted to see another crochet hook. But now that it's been 24 hours I think I'm ready to continue. Maybe...

1 comment:

Mouse said...

Keep your eye open on Ebay.. you can find some great deals on spinning wheels through there. I love my wheel.. so much that I'm concidering buying a second one!