May 11, 2008


Geesh, I almost forgot. Look at the time.

I pondered it for awhile. I've read on other blogs people have just happened to mention that the first commentor never seems to be picked when people use

So, I decided with my contestants that the old fashioned way was going to work okay for me. I penned up everyone's name, shuffled them up and tossed them in the air.

The winner of my first blogiversary is...

See you on the 30th?

Oh, mighty sock gods of frusteration...this looks okay right? After finally puzzling out the maddening zig zag...the end is now upon me...

A picot seemed the most perfect thing in the world. I knit, I picot, I knit and bind off, I cut...and try it on.

Oh crap.

The bind off is so tight it cuts off my circulation. I try and try to ponder how slouch socks will be okay.


I frog. I start again. K1, P1. I made it 14 rows, I think, and now I'm going to sew it up, once I locate the nifty K1, P1, bind off in my books. Only one more sock to do cries.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Holy crap. Go me!

Wait...tell me again what the 30th is? Oh, right, game night. Um...yes? Maybe? Let me talk to the husband. (Hee! Husband!)