May 15, 2008

A gripe

It's occurred to me in recent months, I need to make some more friends. It's partially I think because some of the people I have known now, I have known for 10 some odd years. There can be some old drama that just doesn't heal in time. I'm glad to say that a lot has, but with some, the some I don't really talk to, it hasn't.

This occurred to me at a gathering that happened with people I don't always see on a regular basis. Apparently some of the group was pre-asked to give advice. I had no idea, I wasn't asked, I figured it was because I don't really get along with the host. We're sort of distanced acquaintenaces. However, I noticed that another newly divorced person there also mumbled about how she meant to give to this as well, but the way she mumbled it made me wonder if she had even been given notice. We were the only two non-married people there in that particular circle of friends.

So, it made me wonder, there were some rifts made when my X and I split. Not that he kept up with any of those friends we had had. I had the opinion that he had done something wrong in my opinion, and he had the opinion that he was doing the right thing. That in itself is neither here nor there. It was important to me at one point in time, now it just makes me think that it must be very hard to be friends with a person whom you know is actively cheating/lying/etc on their spouse.

It also made me wonder if there are any single women, who knit, have kids, like games, and are happily divorced. I only seem to run into mostly happy married people or singles who have never been married and who don't have kids. If there's anyone out there who fits the first category, please say hi.

I love my friends. They are very important to me in whatever capacity they are able to spend time with me or I with them. The constraints of my life however, seem to hinder a lot of the time I wish I could spend with them too. I wish too that I knew of more people who have had similiar life experiences like I have...ugh, I don't know, it's all just this sort of weird lonliness I think, where I realize sock yarn and the internet won't necessarily make up for real live people. Realizing too, that some of the interests I had, that kept me in constant contact with people, were not really mine, but my X's.

I'm over-sensitive, but I won't admit that to you.

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