March 05, 2008

Dear Neighbor...

The post in my LJ is:

Much swearing to follow. Please avoid if you aren't one prone to the taste of swearing.

As much as I like the Eagles...which I don't...I especially don't like being woken up to them blaring through my fucking wall at 11:45 pm.



This has been a problem since elephant feet and her kid moved in with their little dog.

Yes, I am the fucking wicked witch of the west. Note to self. Do not live on 1st floor under stupid neighbor.

Bitter. Bitter.

Get this out before I go insane. Please Mr. Sandman fucking whap me in the head.Oh and you know what's super cool. My apartment doesn' what's the word? Oh yea, give a flying fuck. Okay whatever. Their courtesy patrol doesn't cover this property anymore. Great.

Note to self. Wake up at 5:00 AM and slam doors, and make children scream. Maybe karma could help me out and thirtysomething, party animal, with child, could wake up with a big hangover or something. Maybe her hand could be glued to her forehead. Maybe her dog will pee in her shoe.

I've already written my complaint to my worthless management company. Again.

I cuss like a sailor. Screw it. I'm tired. I'm cranky. I hate being woken up. The thing that bothers me the most is that I can't figure out if I am a light sleeper or if my neighbor is an ass. Right now I think it's the latter. On the off chance that she's a knitter and surfing the knitting's 12:19 am on Wednesday March 5, 2008...please turn it down...

I always thought that when I grew up I was going to party all night and be loud an obnoxious. What I'm finding out is that my party animal ways and opinions are becoming more and more conservative the older I get. I don't know if this is good or bothersome. Frankly, my one brain cell is having enough problems typing in the dark rather than puzzling this out. Oh, how pissed I'm going to be if one of the kids wakes up...try me...

On to a better topic. Yes, so my sleepy brain can go back to happy dreams of Star Trek and yarn. Yay.

I found more Noro sock yarn, in less circus like colors. Yay!

My 4th plastic yarn box is becoming crazily smaller than I thought...rats. Not sure where I'll stash a 5th stash box.

Stupid addiction to randomly buying squooshy yarn. Now...all I need to do it knit some socks up. It amazes me the lack of knitting items I've done, even though I've knitting for about 8 years now. I'm pretty sure I can knit anything, but all I ever seem to knit are scarves and socks for other people.

My current project is the project of stealth. One day I'll post pictures of it, but not today. :)
I bought books.

Another annoying habit of mine. I'm suspecting that if I didn't have this nasty tendancy of picking up books, yarn, card/board games, and kitchen appliances, I might actually buy a house.

Nights like this should remind me of this. Although the one little hang up I have is this overwhelming stress I have from the X over a lousy property owned between us that we just could...wait...that he just lazily dealt with and now is going belly up because of it.

Ever have moments in your life where you are being dragged under because you were too close to the edge of the whirlpool? I'd like off of this ride now. One day...all of the crap I've got to deal with from my divorce will stop.

Right? o_O

I broke my ball winder. I'm not sure when it happened, but one of the little feet snapped off. The worst part is that I think I found it at one point in time and I threw it away because I thought it was part of some toy wandering around the house.

I made a sort of hopeful replacement from Fimo. I tried super stick it on. I think I need epoxy. Eventually I'll remember this from the hardware store.

It seems a shame to throw the whole thing away for a tiny foot. However, I found that tiny missing foot to be so important.

I finished the Crosspatch fiber batt. I have another one I just started spinning.

The new one has a pretty high silk content and is spinning almost threadlike. I was going to spin it on the Golding spindle I've never used. However, either I've forgotten how to use a drop spindle or at least I'm not sure how to use this one. It would wildly spin, and it annoyed me, so on the wheel it goes.

The spindle seemed as though it was going to be beautifully balanced. Top whorl, but it seems to spin the bottom half wildly...going to try again at a later date.

This batch however, made a lot more yarn than I expected. I'm not sure that I spun it tight enough. That sadly didn't make itself apparent until after I plyed it. 2 ply. Seems sort of wispy here and there.

Now that I've spun other fiber brands than Crosspatch, I'm not sure I'm so excited about it anymore. I enjoy the colors and especially the tubes for some reason, but...

I am going to some how figure a way up to the Estes Park festival this year so I can stock up on some fiber. I've got to remember this this year. Mostly because I don't want to develop a habit of buying fiber online. Way too tempting to do it all the time. :)

Kay...time for bed again I suppose. Pillow over head.

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