On my wheel...a little slow in the works. The dye sometimes gets on your hands. Not exactly sure what to do about that. I've never experienced that before. I am still enjoying the wheel spinning though. Just as much as I thought I would.
However, convincing some small boy that a spinning wheel is not the niftiest device to spin and use is a bit difficult. After all, mama does it, so how come I can't? I'm just as good at making it go fast as she is.
I want a new digital camera, any suggestions? I have an old Sony that has 3.2 megapixels, which may be a lot to some, but makes a fuzzy close up spinning pictures.
In the works...Christmas presents for the kids. This will be a dinosaur, and mice, and if I'm really awesome I'll squeeze out a pair of felted clogs and a pair of socks. Not sure if that's going to happen.
I got to go to a KPH that Nachaele organizes last Saturday which was cool. I think it's good for my well being right now to meet new people. This sort of odd funk is/has been making me an awfully odd duck to be around at work. I'm not sure what people think of me anymore.
Anyway, I got to sew up a few of the mice, which was super because I hate sewing, unless it's with a machine. This is the reason I make small things...like for children. I have yet to make anything for myself and I've knitted for about 6 years or so. Imbrium thinks I should change that.
And looky what I found...heck yes! In town even. I got the last two skeins, eat your hearts out! Although, as I drove to the LYS I thought to myself, I should have called first, just in case, but I lucked out. Apparently they will be receiving more. I may have to acquire more, although what I will do with this yean, I have no idea. They're only ordering the rainbow colorway which is somewhat of a bummer, but I saw the swatches of the others and there wasn't much colorways on them, but still it would be fun. They do have some solid fingering weight yarns in solid and semi-solid colors, so maybe I can figure out something with that.
However, I just got onto Ravelry, although when I will have time to take pictures of my yarn stash, myself, my FOs, my WIPs...etc I have no idea. This will also involve me trying to recall my password to Flickr...yeaah...
So, besides the stress with the X, which believe me is taking up way more time that I prefer it to, not to mention asking for lots of patience and understanding from my work, is this...
To be honest, I haven't even taken the progress Santa
Thus far, I have the whole house, windows, door, stairs, the big doors to shut the back of the house (from little brother) and the back part of the shutters. This weekend I have to find the furniture I think will fit. I started looking at the calendar and realized how bad of an idea it would be to leave it until I have a free weekend again, which will be the 2nd week in December. Wish me luck!