April 26, 2007

Snow day

So I got a chance to visit Knitty Cat a LYS that carries Alchemy Yarn. I didn't get a skein of Alchemy, I didn't like the colors, but I did pick up some Desert. It's calling "scarf" to me. At some point, I'm thinking, online, I will have to acquire some Alchemy. The bamboo was so soft. But I like their Migrations. That just looks nifty. I think I also want to acquire some linen yarn as well.

I also found some Lorna's Laces in Embers. Couldn't live without it. I think it will make a dandy pair of socks. I like the colorway so much I may have to acquire another skein.

My daughter also found a skein she didn't want to leave without. It is now her pet. :)

I came home and found this...

And what is that? Why that is my ceiling in my apartment kitchen peeling. It didn't feel wet. I'm hoping that it's not a leak. Well, at least if it is, I'm hoping that it was due to the rain and not a pipe.

Finally, some knitted objects. A hat and 1 bootie for now for my friend and his wife. One more to go. Not sure if I like the bootie pattern though. It was knit on two needles, it was a bit tight to manipulate.

This is a scarf...it soon will be a big ball of yarn. Bummer to frog so much, but the basket weave pattern isn't showing up at all, and it's a little wider than I expected.

April 24, 2007

Socks! Done!

They only took about 4 years of asking. But my family member will finally get them. So now I won't have to hear it anymore. Do I look like I can just pop these things out in little plastic packages like at Wal-Mart? But I would like to say that those of the population who are not knitters some times do not understand the amount of time that it can take to knit items. This in fact is proven to me by my young daughter all the time. :)

April 17, 2007

Not out of the woods yet...

I think there can be a point of working too much. For me that came about 4 years ago last week. My job is okay. We've all read about that before. It could be a lot better. I've been at my job longer than my supervisor. Sad. I've had two title changes in the last two months, which is nice and about time. However, I am still sick, not nearly to the outrageous fevers of last month, but coughing sneezing, etc. My lung hurts. Last week I worked perhaps 51 hours or so? This week I think will be normal, but I'm wiped. I'm still sickly. My co-workers have commented on it. But...enough about that.

Today, I received a lovely gift from Knit.Eat.Sleep...yarn...wool...beautiful. Part of some unstashing she was doing, and I will always adopt yarn.

However, this has caused a dilemma with my stash boxes...a need for another stash box. I will have to acquire another one soon. For now I moved my roving and spindles to another space on my bookshelf.

This also caused the need to reorganize my boxes. As well as the thought stupid OCD that I may need to rewind some of my yarn.

Also, I remembered since this is such a yarn porn post, that I have not shown off my latest acquirement of soy yarn from Colorful Yarns, by far my favorite LYS so far. One skein of Tofootsies (sp.) with chitin in it. Soft! and another soy silk, 2 skeins lace weight. Enough to perhaps take on a shawl. I have been much better about leaving the tags with the yarn I wind so I know how much yardage I have, a mistake learned from Estes Park last summer.

I also picked up two more skeins of Malabrigo, by far the most fun wool I've gotten to knit thus far. I love the colors, they're a dark purple and wine, but you can't tell from this picture...and right now I'm to lazy to dig them from the bottom of my reorganized box.

April 01, 2007

Back from the beyond...

...well mostly.

I have been sick. My lovely flu turned into walking pnemonia and took me out of work for about a week and a half. I feel so behind right now, at work, at home, in my life. However, slowly but surely things are returning to normal. Slower than I would prefer of course.

I didn't get much knitting done while I was out. I did watch a lot of TV and napped. I don't think that people who have never had children really understand the scope of being sick. Going to work for 8 hours and then come home to work another 8 hours getting the kids, fed, washed, played with, read to, put to bed. Getting a good 6-8 hours of sleep just isn't enough to get better.

This is the progress on the blanket so far. It's a little bigger.

My spinning has been going slow. But I do love this dragon spindle.

My son graduated to a big boy bed. He's been doing fairly good at staying put at night. *sniff* Babies grow up too fast.

I think the most I've gotten since I got sick has been *finally* replacing my dishes. My dish set was a Noritake Colorwave in plum. It was nice. It was basically picked for me by my former mother-in-law. I thought we would go to 2-3 stores for dinnerware when she offered to buy us some, but we went to 1 store, and I thought the set was okay. Frankly, it was too expensive in my opinion. I wanted a black set I saw at Target, but we never made it there.

So, finally now after, what 2 years, of being divorced I have replaced that set with a set I do like, and that didn't cost a small fortune. They're teal and black and lovely AND something I picked.

I especially like my little fish dipping set. Target is so much fun.