Okay...so this is my attempt to dive into this blogging thing...at least where it concerns knitting. Realistically, I think I may have 3 blogs, and 5 e-mail accounts.
So, my background. I learned how to knit when I was about 8 years old from my aunt when visiting one summer in which, I promptly forgot. This is true of crochet as well, but I did not learn how from that aunt. Anyway, skipping ahead, I was about to have my first baby, and a friend of mine at the time was crocheting this giant gray blanket in hdc. She informed me that was the only stitch that was done in crochet. I believed her and I tried to remember the steps she was showing me since it was 1 am. I then tried the next day, and proudly showed her my work of a potholder the next time I showed her in which, she told me I was doing it wrong.
Disheartened, my mother gave me one of her old books which, I flipped through, only to find out that I was not wrong, and that there were many many stitches available. So another friend of mine, the one who actually taught my other friend, told me she was incorrect, and encourgaged me. That was some time 6 years ago.
Then one day I thought to myself that I wanted to learn how to knit because I like the way the needles sound when they click...and also I wanted to make socks. I once knew how to knit and I couldn't remember. So I bought myself a book...and proceeded to confuse myself greatly. I then enrolled in a class. I was taught by an 80 year old woman who was very knowledgeable, but not very empathetic, especially when you did it wrong. Either way, I picked it up...that was 4 years ago.
The latest to my collection of knowledge is yarn spinning on a drop spindle...fun stuff!! Love it.
My biggest thing right now is to find the time to do all of this. I found some self striping yarn made by Bernat today at Wal-Mart and I have decided it will be a blanket. (along with the Noro that will be a scarf, and other pieces that will be scarves, blankets, socks, and sweaters...)
Right now...and for the last year...my project has been this...

A cardigan for my girl child. Yes, I think she will be too big once I get this all sewn up. BUT...this is the binding off of the second sleeve! Yay! Next comes the sewing...sigh...